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Garden Service

Our current rates are $88.00 incl GST per hour + material costs & commercial tip fees. Please note that we have a 1 hour minimum charge.

Landscaping Rate

Our current rates are $110.00 incl GST per hour + material costs & commercial tip fees. Please note that we have a 1 hour minimum charge.


Accepting An Estimate

Once an estimate is accepted we move into the walk through stage, if necessary. This enables you to ask any questions and makes sure both parties are on the same page. Deposit Slips are then forwarded via email. Once a deposit is paid your project can be scheduled.

Quite regularly we get asked to do extras that are not estimated for just because we are there and you want it done.That's no drama! This can be carried out there and then, only if time allows.  We do allow a certain amount of time per project however if it is extended too much it can run into other clients scheduled projects. Therefore a return booking may be required.


These extras are added onto the final Tax Invoice in green text. (please  note any extras you may add along the way during your project, will increase your final balance.)

Once the Tax Invoice has been paid you then receive a Tax Receipt( if requested), showing all payments you have made in stages.

Accepting an estimate is also accepting our terms and conditions.


-LVS can provide your turn key landscaping on any new home built.

ABN 33 059 790 528 & INSURED..

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